Meet your teacher: Anna Ambart aka Anna Yang 杨安娜 — International Health Holistic Wellness Consultant, Mind-Body Educator and Author, Certified Registered Senior Wellness Teacher, Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, and Owner of The Yoga Chi 瑜伽氣.
Anna developed interest in medicine, human anatomy, energy healing, health and wellness at a young age, and started practicing mindful exercising at the age of 8. She has learned the art of yoga from different Yoga Masters around the world. She also studied and learned internal martial arts from world-renowned China scholars, Chinese masters based in China and internal martial arts schools worldwide. Anna is an environmentalist and ethical vegan who deeply cares about planet Earth and all living beings (不杀生): from animals to plants, forests, and other wild landscapes. She believes that sustained human health is simply not possible without a healthy planet because human existence and health depend on it.
Anna is certified and trained in Classical Indian Yoga, Chinese Taoist Yoga and Yoga Therapy — Yin Yang and Five Elements, Qigong and Tai Chi, MFR (MyoFascial Release) Techniques and TriggerPoint Therapy, and Community Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED/Standard First Aid. She is a member of CIMSPA UK (The Chartered Institute for The Management of Sport and Physical Activity in the United Kingdom), The Qigong Institute USA, and Yoga Alliance USA (E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500, and YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider)). Anna is also a Sweat Collective by Lululemon member, she was invited to teach classes in various Lululemon stores.
The Yoga Chi’s Goal and Mission is to create a healthier world, increase life expectancy, reduce chances of getting sick, and restore energy on different levels. Yoga, Qigong and Tai Chi are safe prescriptions for an individual’s healthy living proved by numerous research studies. Without a doubt, these practices are recommended as alternative treatments for a holistic body-mind resolution. These alternative therapies have proven to control mental health disruptions like anxiety, stress and depression, health deterioration, declining physique, immune system issues, helping maintain an ideal quality of life.

About Yoga: Yoga is a spiritual science of self-realisation, an art, philosophy and science of health and wellbeing. Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines that helps you improve your flexibility, stamina, strength, and balance. All yoga styles release tension in your body, quiet your mind, and help you relax. The minded Yoga Therapy approach combines the worlds of yoga, science and psychology. When it comes to the yoga therapy, the next tools are used:
- Asana (physical posture)
- Pranayama (breathing exercise)
- Guided imagery (visualization)
- Meditation
- Diet (an integral part of yoga and yoga therapy)
About Internal Martial Arts: Qigong and Tai Chi — healing systems of coordinated body-posture composition, movement, breathing, and mediation. Qigong is Chinese yoga and the foundation of all martial arts. The word ‘Qigong’ is made up of two Chinese characters: Qi (Chi) means the ‘life force, vital energy‘, and ‘Gong‘ means ‘work, effort, accomplishment achieved over the time‘. The Chinese character for Qi is 气 (simplified) or 氣 (traditional). Therefore, Qigong means cultivating energy skillfully. This practice rests on the basic principles: controlling the Chi, controlling the body and controlling the mind. Qigong is one of the main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chi comes from many different sources:
- Inherited from your parents at conception (prenatal Chi)
- Comes from environment (the air you breathe, the food you eat and the water you consume) (postnatal Chi)
- Organ Chi as each organ has its own Chi/life force
- Defensive Chi is when your immune system protects you from various internal or external pathogens
The body extracts the most valuable essences and uses them to help form the vital energy and create a healthy balance in the body. However, Chi deficiency occurs as well and it is a common Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome that is due to insufficient Chi/life-force energy. It is caused by either exhausting one’s levels of Chi by mental, emotional or physical overexertion or by not replenishing one’s Chi enough. As the result, Chi deficiency may manifest in low energy, weakness, and illnesses. Quantum Physics supports Qi energy and teaches us there is no difference between energy and matter, and that all systems in the human body — from the atomic to the molecular level — are constantly in motion-creating resonance.